Page 10 - Finding Faith Back Cover Doc 3
P. 10

Faith Is Believing

                 What do you believe? Do you live each day smiling and

              thankful because you understand that regardless of what
              changes  life  may  bring  that  Jesus  Christ  is  still  the
              resurrection? Because he is the resurrection, anyone who

              believes in him is living to live again. “We are confident, I
              say,  and willing rather to be absent from the body is to be
              present  with  the  Lord”  (2nd  Corinthians  5:8).  Whatever
              comes, whatever goes, be anchored in God so that there is

              an understanding in your heart that you have already won.
              Paul  states,  “In  all  things  I  have  learned  to  be
              content”(Philippians 4:11). Yes, you have already overcome!

                     Beloved, your joy is tied to your contentment. The

              idea  of  true  joy  in  life  is  never  to  compare  yourself  with
              someone else. Never compare your wealth to someone else.
              Do not measure  what you may not  have or may have to

              what the next person may possess. You should be thankful
              and content with what God allows you to obtain, and the
              experiences that he allows you to encounter in life. Outside
              of doing so, there are no other pathways to joy.

                 The unique thing about the walk of the believer is that if
              he or she does not believe and live the scriptures, their walk
              is already a failed walk. Jesus plainly states in John 3:17, “He
              who does not believe is already condemned.” He also states,

              “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that
              proceeds  out  of  the  mouth  of  God”  (Matthew  4:4).  It  is
              essential to our stability as Christians that we do not choose

              to live our lives only by bits and pieces of the Bible. The word
              of God commands us of much than partially believing. If we
              do not believe the Bible entirely, we are lacking faith.

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